... | ... | E-mail Walking Horse News.Editor/Publisher Marjorie C. Lacy Box 7326, Edson, AB T7E 1V5 (780)723-2547Walking Horse News is dedicated to the Natural Beauty of the Plain-Shod Tennessee Walking Horse. Our advertising is restricted to Plain-Shod only. Magazine and On-Line AdvertisingTWH FOR SALE AND AT STUD / Classified Ad / Direct Link / Deadline DatesSENDING YOUR AD ELECTRONICALLY TWH FOR SALE or AT STUDWalking Horse News offers very economical advertising rates for subscribers. Our magazine is distributed bi-monthly to subscribers all across North America, as well as being distributed at Breed Demos, Horse Shows and Trade Fairs. Our Internet visits are growing weekly. Subscribe to Walking Horse News: A One Year (6 issue) Subscription costs $21 in Canada. To the U.S.A. it's $36 CDN or $32 in US Funds.
ORSAVE $$$ and Advertise for ONE YEARMagazine & Internet
If you want to change your lay-out during the year... Some text changes to the original lay-out are $20 CDN each time excluding changes to the photos. Photo changes are $10 CDN each. A Breeder may have more than one ad linked from the main Breeder's Gallery page. Classified AdsThe subscriber rate for a Classified Ad, up to 50 words maximum. is $10 CDN for two months. Each additional word is 25 cents extra. All classifieds will be printed in the magazine and on the web. Non-subscribers ADD 100% A DIRECT LINKA DIRECT LINK from the Breeder's Gallery, or any other page, with the exception of our main page, to your home page is $10 CDN per month or $100 CDN per year. Deadline Dates
SENDING YOUR AD ELECTRONICALLYTo make sending your ads by e-mail easier and more convenient for everyone, here are the WHN requirements: We can accept ads in .doc or .txt formats. Our magazine goes to the printer in Microsoft Publisher 2000. All .pdf files are not recommended for hard copy printing because we would have to print, scan and insert these ads as pictures which will decrease quality. When .pdf files are used on the internet, there is a chance that a visitor may not have the necessary software to open and view them. Scan your photos at a high resolution (300 dpi or more) and send as a large size .jpeg. They will look better when printed if shrunk down rather than enlarged for an ad. If you wish to set up your own ad, leave a three quarter inch margin all around the page. Please keep in mind the WHN dedication to the plain shod Walker and do not send any big lick logos or ones with highly exaggerated movement . Please ensure that your cheque or money order arrives in time for the deadline and include a print-out of the ad with payment. MAIN PAGECopyright Walking Horse News 2003 |